We’d like to
Thank You in advance
for supporting BEST!
Your contribution and generosity mean
the world to us.

Chances are you know someone who has had a brain injury that impacted their lives in some way. Every moment of every day they rise up to the challenge of navigating conversation, health care, family relationships, and now a pandemic. To us they are superheroes..

Did you know that donating $10 will help us continue
monthly virtual facilitator training?

Facilitators volunteer their time and their love to keep their support groups connected and engaged while learning new technologies and methods for outreach and hosting meetings online.

Or, what if you gave $50?

Yes, $50 will help BEST keep our monthly virtual meetings and low-tech efforts to keep our community connected and less isolated. During these difficult times individuals with cognitive challenges are struggling with increased rates of suicide and diminished resources. Your contribution ensures that their connection with their support groups and the BEST resources remains available as we all navigate COVID-19 and the social and economic impact of this pandemic.


Your contribution, at whatever level you choose, helps us continue to grow and provide support, education, and advocacy for those we serve. PLUS we’ll be able to keep our superheroes in capes and much needed superhero resources.

Click the button below and choose the perfect giving level for you.


Consider becoming a member and be a BESTie!

Thank you for your support! We couldn’t do it without you!