The dictionary definition of migraine: mi·graine /ˈmīˌɡrān/ noun noun: migraine; plural noun: migraines a recurrent throbbing headache that typically affects one side of the head and is often accompanied by nausea and disturbed vision. “I’m getting a migraine.” As brain injury survivors, the real definition goes beyond the standard dictionary one: for some, migraines (more…)
Community love 💚 and appreciation 😀 to our real-life superheroes ⚡: Sending a virtual “hello” 👋 from the BEST Team! BEST friends, we LOVE connecting, supporting and sharing ideas with you. Your friendship means means the world to us. 🌏
To all the biological, adoptive, foster, pet, or honorary moms, you are super. Happy Mother’s Day!
Our May 2020 e-newsletter, hot off the press, is all about belief. What do we believe in: superheroes, our community and the person who is reading this blog post (wink, wink). Click here to read it in its entirety. Enjoy! Interested in subscribing to our monthly e-newsletter? Click here!
This. Sending the love to our support group families today and every day.