How to Start Meditation in 3 Steps

  How to Start Meditation in 3 Easy Steps More and more people are now beginning to appreciate the amazing power of meditation. No longer does the average Joe or Josephine view meditation as being black magic – it is now understood as a highly scientific and practical tool that anyone can and should use (more…)

(NEW): FREE Zoom Course in BEST Online Learning Center

Many support groups are moving to online meetings. Some use a private Facebook group. Others are using a video conferencing tool like Zoom. Our Zoom video course is easy to follow and has the latest information for using this popular communication app. Whether you’ve used it before or are new to the idea of video (more…)

Brain Injury Facts

  (Editor’s note: Writer, BEST guest blog contributor, and brain injury survivor, Isaac Peterson, shares a special article on brain injury facts. Read on for details. Thank you, Isaac! KT)  When I first began contributing to blogs, all I knew about traumatic brain injuries (TBI) was that I had one, it was a full-time job, (more…)

(NEW): BEST Launches New Website Feature Soon

Coming soon (NEW):  BESTies will have more superpowers online through the BEST website! On May 22, 2020, we’ll be sharing a new website feature that supports the brain injury community in a super and fun new way. Stay tuned! 💚😉   

Meditation and Creativity: How One Helps the Other

  Meditation is heralded by many as being a cure all – a panacea that can prevent all of your woes and help you to find peace and enlightenment. Though not entirely true, they’re not wrong. Compared with many other strategies, meditation is certainly one of the most effective when it comes to overcoming anxiety (more…)