Today I Am Grateful

Our mindfulness exercise for today is about gratitude. What are you grateful for in this moment and how does it make you feel? You can do this exercise anywhere. If you’re feeling frustrated it’s a great stress reliever. It might even make you smile. Step 1 – Think about something you are grateful for. Step (more…)

4 Ways To Hear What Your Body Needs

Last week our #MindfulMonday piece focused on listening. This week we’re sharing exercises to help you listen to yourself. Give them a try and let us know in the comments what worked for you. Listening Exercise #1 Your body will tell you what it needs to be healthy so long as you listen to its (more…)

Pay It Forward & Other Random Acts Of Kindness

I was just sitting here thinking, when somewhere out of the blue, a couple of terms came to mind. The terms were “pay it forward” and “random acts of kindness.” But what do those things have to do with traumatic brain injury? Stay with me here while I think (or type) out loud and it (more…)

BEST is here to stand with you!

Believe! When it comes to achieving our dreams, overcoming the obstacles of acceptance, navigating the challenges of our brain injuries it’s so important that we believe we can. Get up if you fall. Try again. BEST is here to stand with you! We’ve got great articles to help you understand your brain injury, grow and (more…)

Mindful Listening? It’s Easier Than You Think

Our second mindfulness feature in our #MindfulMonday series is about listening. I’ll bet there have been times you felt like the person you were talking to was so busy thinking of their response they didn’t listen to what you were saying. Or you’ve been interrupted mid-sentence. Perhaps you noticed that someone was distracted while you (more…)