What’s The Buzz? Tell Me What’s A-Happening!

What’s the buzz? Tell me what’s a-happening? I was 14 when the smash album became a Broadway sensation. Jesus Christ Superstar ruffled more than a few feathers, but to this rebellious teenager, it was a personally freeing experience. But that’s a story for another time. Norman Jewison, the film’s director, said, “These kids are trying (more…)

Traumatic Brain Injury And Aging

Everyone knows what condition comes with symptoms like increasing frailty, loss of mobility, cognitive decline, vision and hearing loss, deteriorating muscle and bone strength. They are all common symptoms of aging. However, they can also appear as symptoms of moderate to severe traumatic brain injury (TBI), especially in older people. TBI can not only resemble aging, (more…)

One Word Makes All The Difference

Today our mindfulness activity is going to focus on one word. Choose one of the words below and write it on an index card, piece of note paper, post-it, or even the back of an envelope. Then place the paper with with word on it somewhere you will see it (refrigerator, bathroom mirror, computer monitor). (more…)

Writing Haiku Is My Stress Buster

I love haiku and though the form doesn’t have the same nuance or depth in English as it does in Japanese, I still strive to write the “perfect” haiku. It’s not that I expect to ever be a great poet. It’s that the energy I put into creating a haiku is so different from the (more…)

&$@#! I’m Broke! My Brain Bucks Account Is Overdrawn.

Running out of mental energy always seems to happen at the worst time; in the middle of a meeting, while trying to get that last “thing” done before the end of the day, in the middle of a family gathering. You’ve probably even had the experience where your neurologist told you to “pace yourself” or (more…)