Think Big, Start Small

A little music? It’s Monday and we thought this song would be the perfect addition to our Mindful Monday lineup … Why music? The benefits of music cannot be overstated. AARP conducted a survey of music and brain health. The results indicated the following about the impact of music on cognitive and emotional well-being: Music (more…)

Brain Injury Doesn’t Mean Social Isolation

One thing I’m glad about is that my brain injury rarely made me feel isolated and alone, like with so many other brain injury survivors. I did feel it briefly a few times, but that was because soon after I was discharged from the hospital in St. Paul I was shipped to Tacoma, where I (more…)

Becoming Mindful in 3 Easy Steps

We’ve gotten wonderful feedback on our Monday Mindful series. I’m excited that during this difficult time we’ve been able to continue supporting our community with the information, ideas, and encouragement we all want. Today we’re sharing three simple steps for becoming mindful and focused on the present moment by using all five senses. Our exercise (more…)

Staying Organized Doesn’t Have To Be Painful

How often do we try different systems to manage tasks, track appointments, or just write down a note or two? And how many times have we discovered that one is more complicated than the last one we tried? Then there’s the agonizing effort we are too often unsuccessful with at making it a habit. Don’t (more…)

My TBI & Jury Duty

You hear about it happening to people all the time, including people you know. And you’re left to wonder whether it will ever happen to you as well. And then one day, out of the blue it happens: a summons to report for jury duty.  It happened to me recently. I’d actually been hoping it would (more…)