On Strength

Sometimes, when somebody tells me they think I’m making a remarkable recovery from my stroke, I answer in this way:  Well, it didn’t kill me, so it must have made me stronger. I think most people have probably heard a version of that quote: what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger. I always thought I (more…)

It’s World Brain Day!

Today is World Brain Day!  Created in 2014, the first brain day was launched on July 22nd of that year. The annual event was designed to help promote awareness on brain health and wellness on a global scale.  At the Brain Energy Support Team (BEST), we believe that our BEST strategy for brain health and (more…)

In a Flash: The Moment I Realized I was Recovering from a Stroke 

Maybe you could call it a flash of insight, an epiphany, or a sudden realization. Whatever you want to call it, I just had one, about my recovery, and I want to tell you about it.  I have to kind of build up to it, though. The other day I was out walking, minding my (more…)

Happy Talk!

“Happy talk, keep talking happy talk. Talk about things you’d like to do.” This line from the Rogers & Hammerstein musical “South Pacific” always made me smile. Not so much the boy-girl thing, but definitely the positive outlook that “happy talk” about things I wanted to do (dreams) could make life unfold the way I (more…)