Adventures of a BEST Superhero: A mask is a superpower! Read about it below (and check out the superhero rule). For more info on COVID-19 and keeping yourself and our community safe, click here.Â

Adventures of a BEST Superhero: A mask is a superpower! Read about it below (and check out the superhero rule). For more info on COVID-19 and keeping yourself and our community safe, click here.Â
Employment is a big topic with brain injury survivors, especially with the pandemic still going on. Some businesses closed entirely, some went with reduced hours and staff, and some with reduced services. All affected the employment status of loads of people, brain injury survivors or not.  Although having a traumatic brain injury (TBI) can present (more…)
💚The more we know, the more we grow. The COVID-19 virus continues to spread throughout communities across Washington State. All of us at BEST understand how devastating and challenging all of this is, especially for many in our brain injury community. We know because we, like you, are part of this incredible community. Together, lets (more…)