What Nonprofit Communications Professionals Wish You Knew

(Editor’s note: BEST’s own Kim Thompson recently shared this article about a behind the scenes look at being a Nonprofit Communications Manager. This article originally appeared on Medium and it has been reprinted here with the author’s permission).  I have been a nonprofit communications professional for nearly a decade. What does my job entail? People (more…)

Brain Injury and Gender

We’ve all heard the phrase, no two traumatic brain injuries are alike. 

Those of us with brain injuries have, anyway. 

It gets said all the time; I’ve said it myself. No two brains are injured in the same way, and no two brain injuries have identical effects.

But one of the biggest differences is that it also seems females have different brain injury-related life experiences than males. 

A lot is known about traumatic brain injury (TBI) because of ongoing health research, but only half the story is being told: there are huge differences in the ways females experience brain injuries compared to males. 

On the surface, the differences seem to break down primarily according to physiological and biochemical differences, possible genetic differences, and traditional gender roles in our society. 

Love Your Brain: All About Brain Health

From time to time I’ve written about aspects of healthy living, like heart health, stroke prevention and self-care.  All were with traumatic brain (TBI)  injury survivors in mind.  However, it occurred to me: why not write about just about maintaining a healthy brain? I’m not too swift sometimes, but it just kind of dawned on (more…)

Online Health: Sharing On Social Media

Here’s a simple guide that can help you feel more comfortable in determining when and how to share information in the best way possible on your personal social media. Follow our 8 questions to ask yourself to determine if your source is reliable (if you are sharing a link). Click here for these steps.  Do (more…)