Fall leaves

BEST Autumn Wishes: Our Latest E-Newsletter

Our latest e-newsletter just got delivered to email inboxes. Highlights include: BEST autumn wishes, online and social media health and wellness, and COVID-19 resources.  Didn’t get yours? Click here to read it. Want to get our newsletter directly to your email inbox? Click here to sign up! 

Sunrise over mountains

My Friend Gary: A Portrait of Love and Friendship

(Editor’s note: Isaac Peterson wrote this personal essay April 25, 2019. It’s a beautiful and powerful tribute to his friend, Gary. Isaac has updated the article with some news and additional thoughts about his beloved friend. Read on. Thank you, Isaac for sharing Gary with us. KT).    Let me tell you about my special (more…)

Woman holding paper heart

Checking In: Where Can We Help?

  We know that 2020 and 2021 haven’t been easy for anyone.  As we reach the close of 2021, and as we move forward into 2022,we want our beloved community to feel empowered, supported and cared for in the best ways possible.  We’d love to get feedback from you on how we can help and (more…)

A Community Challenge

In these unprecedented, confusing and tough times of 2020 and 2021, most people are struggling with some things. Maybe lots of things. And some may be struggling more than they think. Health. Loss. Change. Challenges. Obstacles. As a brain injury community, many of us have coped with those very things: health, loss, change, challenges, obstacles. (more…)