A drawing of a woodpecker on a leafy branch

Advances in Brain Science: New Developments

I was one of the lucky ones who emerged from a massive stroke with my mind seemingly intact (depending on who you ask, ha ha). According to a 2019 study by the World Health Organization, worldwide, strokes are the second biggest cause of death, with different types of dementia coming in third, and gaining ground (more…)

Washington State's Mt. Rainier with a forest in the foreground

Our E-Newsletter Welcomes You to 2022!

The first 2022 BEST e-newsletter has launched to inboxes today!  And like the tree, we are grounded in information, connected with our community, looking forward to new things, bending with the changing times of Covid-19, enjoying our individuality, and ready to continue to grow! In this issue, we cover the following: the importance of sleep (more…)

Abstract drawing of a woman sitting in a relaxed pose

Nobody Can Bring You Peace But Yourself

Life after a brain injury can be challenging. Our thoughts are often jumbled and the littlest thing can create an unusual amount of stress. Meditation can also help control stress. That’s why the Brain Energy Support Team (BEST) is excited to share The Calm Mind Video Course. In this online course, you’ll learn what meditation is (more…)