Spring flowers are the BEST! We are putting together a virtual spring bouquet collage for our online BEST community. 🌷 Share a picture of spring flowers in your area and we’ll add it to the collage! Just email Kim T. at kimt@brainenergysupportteam.org with your photo. Thank you and happy spring! 💐
Spring flowers are the BEST! We are putting together a virtual spring bouquet collage for our online BEST community. 🌷 Share a picture of spring flowers in your area and we’ll add it to the collage! Just email Kim T. at kimt@brainenergysupportteam.org with your photo. Thank you and happy spring! 💐
Be the change you wish to see in the world. In a world full of change, especially as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Brain Energy Support Team (BEST), took the quote above to heart. In 2020, BEST was rocked by the pandemic, like many other organizations. BEST in-person programs were closed, and a (more…)
It’s April again, and so that means it is Autism Awareness month. I’m not going to spend a lot of time on why that is problematic and how Autistic adults feel about this, but suffice to say that the vast majority do not support the sponsor of this disaster, nor do we like the #lightitupblue (more…)