We’ve talked about ambiguous grief. Now it’s time to talk about another kind of related grief: anticipatory grief. Anticipatory grief is what we feel when someone is alive, but their death is impending and expected, like with terminal cancer patients. It might not be known exactly when the death will occur, but the upcoming death (more…)
BEST friends and supporters from all over the world (and virtual world) helped contribute to our first BEST World Community Bouquet to celebrate spring! From the coasts of the United States, Canada, Sweden, to the virtual world of Second Life, and more, our BEST friends came together to share their favorite spring flowers from their (more…)
Earth Day 2022 is extra special, as BEST Etopia in Second Life turns 15! Not only will BEST Etopia have a special Earth Day event, this year will be an Earth Week series of events. Through BEST’s Second Life platform, there will be activities, information, education, celebration, and much more to create empowered people for an empowered (and healthier) planet. (more…)
At the Brain Energy Support Team (BEST), empowerment is at the core of our mission, vision, services and programs. We know firsthand what empowerment does in our community, for the individual and the community as a whole. We take better control of our health and well-being, along with having a better understanding of what works best for us in (more…)
This virtual spring bouquet was created just for you from your BEST friends at BEST Etopia in Second Life! You are also cordially invited to see and experience these flowers for yourself when you visit BEST in Second Life. Stop by for our virtual Earth Day and Earth Week events this week or just pop (more…)