Monday Mantra: We say yes to self-care actions that create peace of mind. ❤️

Monday Mantra: We say yes to self-care actions that create peace of mind. ❤️
Happy Mother’s Day from your friends at the Brain Energy Support Team (BEST)! Enjoy your day! 🦋
The Meet Your Neighbor Project shares the work of nonprofits in Second Life. Recently, BEST’s own Gloria Kraegel (a.k.a. as Namaara MacMoragh in Second Life), warmly welcomed community partners and supporters to explore BEST in the Metaverse in our virtual home of Etopia. Gloria/Namaara gave a short presentation on BEST’s history, services, programs and activities (more…)
American society at large can hold standards and expectations when it comes to grieving and expressing grief. Those standards can be shaped, maintained and reinforced through television, movies, magazines and other means shared by society at large. Types of grief that are widely accepted are types considered enfranchised by the majority. However, some forms of (more…)
May is Stroke Awareness Month. Our longtime BEST blogger, Isaac Peterson is a writer, advocate and stroke survivor who has offered important information, resources, tips, inspiration and hope for so many on these blog pages. We urge you to click here to check out Isaac’s library of articles, essays, and more. You’ll be glad (more…)
Enjoy your Monday morning cup of personal empowerment! ☕❤️