Five Quick Tips For A Stronger You.

Building personal strength, both mentally and physically, is a gradual process that requires consistent effort. There are numerous ways to develop and enhance your strength; physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Some of the tips we see often. Tips like setting goals (easier said than done) and developing self-discipline (hard when dealing with “squirrel”) often set (more…)

A collage of spring flowers developed in the Second Life virtual platform

BEST & Second Life revisited

You already know that in 2020 BEST moved all programming to our website, virtual events, and Second Life. At the time we believed we could make a difference by creating a virtual presence to support a neurodivergent community and their caregivers.  Our goal in Second Life was to support those with cognitive challenges & differences (more…)

Home Budgeting Made Simple

Creating a simple home budget can help you manage your finances effectively. Here are five steps to guide you through the process: Determine Your Income: Use the budget worksheet below. List all sources of income, including any wages, freelance work, support income, or any other sources. Make sure to use your net income (after deductions (more…)

Tips & Resources For Buying Food On A Budget

Buying food on a budget can be challenging, but with some strategic planning and smart choices, you can make delicious and inexpensive meals. Here are five tips to help you buy food on a budget:  Plan Your Meals and Create a Shopping List: Before heading to the store, plan your meals for the week. Consider (more…)

Spring Song!

Cherry blossoms are a favorite this time of year. Filled with color and fresh fragrance they lift our spirits after a cold, often bleak, winter. Bird songs rise this time of year, too. Enjoy our Spring haiku titled, Spring Song.

Neurodragoneering! What The Heck Is That?

You’re sitting around the table with several friends and one begins to speak, “It’s dusk and the road is dusty and rutted. The town is another half day’s walk. Your pack is getting heavy and it begins to rain. As the rain continues you feel cold as the dampness of your rain-soaked clothes settles into (more…)