Five Quick Tips For A Stronger You.

Building personal strength, both mentally and physically, is a gradual process that requires consistent effort. There are numerous ways to develop and enhance your strength; physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Some of the tips we see often. Tips like setting goals (easier said than done) and developing self-discipline (hard when dealing with “squirrel”) often set (more…)

10 Self-Care Tips You Can Start NOW

Spring is here. Open the windows. Let the stale winter air out and the fresh air in. You can begin with these 10 easy self-care tips: Take a few deep breaths: This simple act can help you to feel calmer and more centered, especially during stressful moments. Go for a walk: Taking a break from (more…)

10 Immune System Boosters

This is the time of year when your immune system takes a beating; flu, common cold, bronchitis, stomach bug, and even COVID. Yes, any virus can sneak in and take control whenever your immune system is weakened. That includes some medications (talk to your doctor about this if you have concerns about your prescriptions). Sure (more…)

Another Great Memory …

Well, it happened again last night, that thing I do all the time where I’m out walking at night and out of the blue, a thought or a memory hits. I’ve written about that before, and this is one of those times I have just got to write it down. In college, back in Wyoming, (more…)

BEST Mindfulness Resources

  “Training your mind to be in the present moment is the number one key to making healthier choices.” – Susan Albers Mindfulness is a great tool to living our best lives.  What is mindfulness?  Mindfulness is noticing what is happening right now. What are your senses and emotions telling you? What is your mind telling you? Through (more…)


If there is one thing traumatic brain injury (TBI)  survivors know about, it’s resilience. Being a TBI survivor, I know a thing or two about resilience myself. I get comments about my resilience all the time. I think a lot of people are probably thinking about my physical resilience, how I’ve started to gradually walk (more…)