If you think the holidays came upon us all of a sudden, trust us, you are not alone. While our holidays may look different again this year, due to COVID-19, that doesn’t mean the holidays will be less stressful or overwhelming. In fact, it may just add additional stressors to the holiday season. Over the (more…)
Here’s a simple guide that can help you feel more comfortable in determining when and how to share information in the best way possible on your personal social media. Follow our 8 questions to ask yourself to determine if your source is reliable (if you are sharing a link). Click here for these steps. Do (more…)
Our social media news feeds are designed to be a source of news, information, entertainment and other thoughts and ideas. Many people share website links or infographics on a variety of topics on their personal social media pages to inform others and engage in conversation. Add to the mix of content, the speed and the (more…)
Employment is a big topic with brain injury survivors, especially with the pandemic still going on. Some businesses closed entirely, some went with reduced hours and staff, and some with reduced services. All affected the employment status of loads of people, brain injury survivors or not.  Although having a traumatic brain injury (TBI) can present (more…)
(Editor’s note: Is cleaning a chore or is it a practice of self-care? BEST gives a warm welcome to BEST guest blogger Marysa Rogozynski, who has some important and compelling points on cleaning and will make you see cleaning in a brand new way! Thanks, Marysa! KT). If someone would have told me that cleaning is (more…)
 BESTie and caregiver, Maggie DePuye-Phillips (pictured above), is back with Caregiver’s Corner (and she even provided the BEST Kick-starter Quote of the Week, see below). For this column, Maggie tackles managing the holidays as a caregiver. With the holidays right around the corner, this information couldn’t be more timelier!  Read on and feel free (more…)