BE SUPER: Here’s How!

Supportive. Uplifting. Passionate. Energized. Resilient. SUPER! Our BEST Superhero Team Members are THIS and more . Join us to support brain energy , brain injury awareness, education and opportunities for all! Click here to go to our donation and membership information page.  BEST loves sharing … Facebook0TwitterPinterest0tumblr0Linkedin0Reddit0Email0

BEST Superhero of the Month July 2020

The Brain Energy Support Team (BEST) is delighted and honored to share TWO superheroes as our July 2020 BEST Superheroes of the Month!  Meet the dynamic duo behind Collidedscopes, Heath Snyder and Renee Love!  Not only are Heath and Renee partners and founders of Collidedscopes, a brain injury team and support organization for brain injury (more…)

BEST Superhero of the Month June 2020

Caregivers are often seen as caring, kind, supportive and loving.  While these attributes are all true, there are other adjectives that apply to caregivers.  Fierce. Loyal. Determined. Superheroes. Warriors.  Our BEST Superhero of the Month for June 2020, celebrates and uplifts all of the characteristics of caregivers, but especially the warrior spirit and mindset of (more…)

NEW: How to Create a Superhero in 3 Steps!

NEW: Become a superhero (and also help create superheroes!) in 3 steps with the Brain Energy Support Team (BEST)!  Our latest e-newsletter tells you how to do just that. Click here to find out! Not a newsletter subscriber yet? Click here to sign up.  In the meantime, check out our 30 second video to get (more…)

BEST Superhero of the Month May 2020

In order for superheroes to help others, sometimes they have to adapt their superpowers; and even sometimes, they have to do this really quickly.  Our BEST Superhero of the Month for May 2020 is a real-life superhero who has done just that.  Meet Karen Ljunggren.  Karen is the support group facilitator for Bellevue/Eastside brain injury (more…)