In Words and Pics: BEST Shares Resources at Valleyfest

  Sharing. Caring. Community.  All three of those elements were in full effect at Valleyfest, the iconic community festival, 30 years strong, in Spokane Valley.  The Brain Energy Support Team (BEST) was thrilled and honored to participate in the recent festival held over the last weekend to share brain injury awareness and resources with the (more…)

Spokane, WA: TBI and Mental Health Event November 5, 2019

Join us for as we host a speakers’ panel of experts to discuss the dynamic interactions between brain injury and mental health. Topics may include, but not limited to, community re-integration following an injury, the relationship between anxiety and depression on cognitive functioning, and structuring life to optimize success following a brain injury. The panel (more…)

Support Group Spotlight: Spokane

A brain injury support group serves as an important resource and lifeline for many people. Why are support groups important? Here are three ways: Support groups are a safe and comfortable place to share your story, your journey forward, ask questions and voice concerns, all with others who understand and just get it. Support groups (more…)