Twenty-Twenty-Won & Being Our BEST Self

Sure, the “twenty-twenty-won” is hijacked from a commercial (don’t remember the product, just the play on words), but it’s a great way to start this year. This year can be a continuation of last year or we can greet it with optimism and a sense of hope for a brighter future. I choose the latter. (more…)

… and breathe

It’s been a hectic week. Take time to put your feet up, enjoy a hot chocolate, and dive into a good book (or movie).   #SelfCareSaturday #empoweryourbrain #BESTcares BEST loves sharing … Facebook0TwitterPinterest0tumblr0Linkedin0Reddit0Email0

Cozy Self-Care With A Little Hygge

Hygge. Unfamiliar to many Americans, but a way of life for the Danes. In Denmark hygge (pronounced hoo-ga) is a word that means a sense of coziness, comfort, contentment, and well-being. As you can tell, it’s one of those words that doesn’t translate very well into English. These feelings are achieved by enjoying the simple (more…)

Wabi Sabi Can Be The First Step In Self-Care

Self-care can seem daunting. How often have we thought, I don’t have enough time? Or we think we have too much to do to take time out for ourselves. Sometimes it can even feel selfish to close the door and leave the world outside so we can be alone, even for a short time. In (more…)