Harvest Party With Our Etopia BESTies!

We know that because of COVID many Americans could not spend the Thanksgiving holiday with family and friends as in past years. So, we hosted the BEST Etopia Harvest Celebration in Second Life. You might be saying to yourself, “Second Life! That’s a video game!” It’s not. Second Life is an amazing, not to mention (more…)

Earth Day Celebrates 50 Year Milestone

Earth Day is an annual event, celebrated on April 22, to share support for environmental protection. Earth Day began exactly 50 years ago tomorrow, is now a worldwide movement which is celebrated in nearly 200 countries.  At the Brain Energy Support Team (BEST), not only are we passionate about providing superhero support for each other, (more…)

5 Reasons A Second Life Enriches My First Life

You might be asking yourself “how can a virtual world enhance your first life?” and “What is a first life anyway?” Let me start by saying that my experiences in the virtual world of Second Life are as real as in physical spaces such as with friends in my living room, cooking in my kitchen, (more…)

BEST Superhero of the Month: April 2018

Meet a real-life superhero from two worlds! Renne Emiko Brock is an artist, instructor and superhero advocate who supports and empowers fellow superheroes to be their best selves. She shares her time, talent and support in the real world, both locally and nationally, and in the virtual world platform of Second Life. Known for her (more…)

Simple Ways to be a Superhero to the Earth

At the Brain Energy Support Team (BEST), we strive not only to be superheroes for the brain injury community, but superheroes to the earth, too. Earth Day is an annual event celebrated in April throughout the world to bring awareness, advocacy and action for environmental protection. At BEST, Earth Day is every day, from creating (more…)