Self Care Quote Series: Rod Rawls

BEST Self-Care Quote Series: Special thanks to our BEST friend, Rod Rawls, for his beautiful words.  BEST loves sharing … Facebook0TwitterPinterest0tumblr0Linkedin0Reddit0Email0

BEST Blog Exclusive: What is Mindfulness Meditation by Rod Rawls

(Editor’s note: Writer, blogger, brain injury survivor, caregiver and creator of A Changing World: How One Survivor and Family Caregiver is Trying to Keep Up, Rod Rawls, recently shared a comprehensive article on what he has learned about mindfulness meditation and his experiences with the practice. Below, is Rod’s original article, which he kindly granted (more…)

Is it my injury or am I just being lazy?

(Editor’s note: Writer, blogger, brain injury survivor, and BEST guest blog contributor, Rod Rawls, shares his personal thoughts and reflections on managing his brain injury and his own humanness.  KT). Is it my injury or am I just being lazy?  Looking at my ever-present collection of incomplete tasks and projects so often leads to me (more…)

BEST Superhero of the Month July 2019

Our July 2019 BEST Superhero of the Month is passionate about helping and supporting fellow survivors and caregivers.  The Brain Energy Support Team (BEST) is pleased to recognize Rod Rawls this month, a true real-life superhero to our community and beyond.  Rod is the creator, writer, blogger and moderator of A Changing World: How One (more…)

Welcome to the BEST Blog: Writer and Blogger, Rod Rawls

The Brain Energy Support Team (BEST) is honored and delighted to welcome our newest BEST blog contributor.  Please welcome Rod Rawls, creator, writer, blogger and moderator of A Changing World: How One TBI Survivor and One Family Caregiver is Trying To Keep Up .  Rod was kind enough to allow BEST to share his blog articles (more…)