(NEW): BEST Launches New Website Feature Soon

Coming soon (NEW):  BESTies will have more superpowers online through the BEST website! On May 22, 2020, we’ll be sharing a new website feature that supports the brain injury community in a super and fun new way. Stay tuned! 💚😉    BEST loves sharing … Facebook0TwitterPinterest0tumblr0Linkedin0Reddit0Email0

Virtual Ideas: Free Things to Do Online

Looking for some free things to do online?  Here is a guide with links with some virtual ideas on activities and educational opportunities. Read: The Brain Energy Support Team (BEST) is proud and honored to have connections with so many fantastic writers in the brain injury community throughout the world. From brain injury survivors to (more…)

Social Media Health and Balance

Social media means lots of things to lots of people. Here’s a list of just some of the key elements of why people use social media: To keep in touch with family and friends. To connect with others. To have conversations. To find information and resources. To promote businesses, products and services (if applicable to (more…)

Writing Resources

For many in the BEST community, writing offers an opportunity to explore new ideas, tap into creativity, provide a healing salve to work through emotions and issues, and/or an important form of self-care.  As we work through this unprecedented time in our history due to the pandemic, writing can be more important than ever as (more…)