(Editor’s Note: Writer and stroke survivor Isaac Peterson has been sharing his writing with the BEST blog for three years as of this month. Thank you Isaac for your amazing contributions and all that you do through your words and wisdom. Today’s entry centers around fatigue and brain injury. KT) I’ve written a couple (more…)
(Editor’s note: Earlier this month, writer and stroke survivor, Isaac Peterson, shared his thoughts about recovery and brain injury. Here’s his follow personal essay on reaching plateaus and brain injury. KT) Seems when I wrote about the time it takes to recover from a traumatic brain injury, I didn’t mention one stage of recovery a (more…)
(Editor’s Note: So, what’s the difference between the phrases traumatic brain injury and brain damage? Is there a difference? Writer and brain injury survivor Isaac Peterson explores this concept. KT). Lots of people ask me about traumatic brain injuries (TBI), I guess because I contribute to the Brain Energy Support Team (BEST) blog and write (more…)
(Editor’s note: BEST is delighted to welcome guest blogger, Marc Macialek of recoveringfromtbi.com, to the BEST website blog! Marc gives us some excellent insight, advice and information about neuroplasticity and brain injury awareness in his first article. Thank you, Marc! KT) After my traumatic brain injury (TBI) in the spring of 2012, I learned how (more…)
In his wonderful book, Stronger After Stroke, Peter Levine says that, in his experience, the brain injury survivors that make the best recovery are athletes and musicians.  The reason? Because they are used to doing, boring, repetitive’ tasks over and over again, measuring their slow, incremental progress. And this is what recovery is. Lots of (more…)