Found this online a couple of months ago and thought it would be terrific to share it with you. It’s a great tip-filled graphic on how we can grow and support one another as we continue to navigate life with COVID. #BESTcares #empoweryourbrain BEST loves sharing … Facebook0TwitterPinterest0tumblr0Linkedin0Reddit0Email0
Today our #MindfulMonday focus is a body scan exercise. This simple exercise can be done frequently as you want. As you get to know yourself and become more familiar with what is happening in your body you will be able to better explain things when you meet with your health care practitioner. This exercise is (more…)
Best has offered you many #MotivationMonday images, quotes, and other encouragement over the years. Throughout 2020 we continued to offer these messages and learned that the most important topic of conversation has been self-care. Hand in hand with self-care is the notion of mindfulness. Mindfulness is more than just being aware of what is going (more…)
Remember when your mom or grandmother use to color with you? Maybe you’ve even shared those moments with your own children or if you’re as old as I am, your grandchildren. And every time I hoped the moment could last forever. I still love to crack open a brand new coloring book, dump a box (more…)
After a brain injury, it’s common for us to expect more than we might be capable of at the moment. We are, after all, our hardest critics in the best of times, let alone when we’re struggling to establish our identity and figure out what we can do and what is more difficult after a (more…)