To Your Wellness: BESTie Shares Personal Tips on Managing Anxiety

The real-life superheroes of the BEST community have the most amazing superpower: sharing their wellness practices with each other.  Jennifer McCarthy is one of those superheroes.  Jennifer, a language instructor, artist and musician, moved from the East Coast with her husband in the year 2000 to Moses Lake and became a mom to two children. (more…)

Social Media Health and Balance

Social media means lots of things to lots of people. Here’s a list of just some of the key elements of why people use social media: To keep in touch with family and friends. To connect with others. To have conversations. To find information and resources. To promote businesses, products and services (if applicable to (more…)

Isaac Peterson: On Loneliness and Isolation

(Editor’s Note: Writer and stroke survivor Isaac Peterson has been sharing his words with the BEST blog for three years as of this month. Today’s piece centers around loneliness and isolation and Isaac’s personal strategies to combat that. Thank you Isaac for your amazing contributions and all that you do through your words and wisdom. (more…)

On Anxiety: BEST’s Kim Thompson Shares Her Story

I have an anxiety disorder coupled with a digestive disorder. I have coped with both most of my life. While I am comfortable talking about my mental health issues with others, I have not once written about it in any kind of forum. Which is a little odd in that I’ve been a professional writer (more…)