A field of mountain flowers at sunrise

What is Holistic Wellness?

Many people in our community are passionate about exploring self-care and wellness topics. When we see wellness topics in our newsfeeds, we see this term used frequently as of late: holistic wellness.  What does holistic wellness mean, and why are we seeing the term more often? The general definition of holistic wellness means overall wellness (more…)

On Feeling Grief

After almost six years living with a brain injury from a massive stroke, I’m kind of what you might call a pro. And after all the writing and research I’ve done for the past five years, you’d think I’d have a pretty good handle on what brain injury is all about. You might think I’ve (more…)

A photo blend: half a tree and ground in the winter, spliced with another half of the same tree and ground but it spring

On Change

The quote to the above really says it all, doesn’t it? We hate and love change at the same time, but in a perfect world many things would stay the same, but just get better.  For better or worse (or somewhere in between), we know the world just doesn’t work in this way. Change is (more…)

Man standing on top of a large flat rock in triumph gazing out over a sunset in the valley below

On Confidence

I got some advice in my younger years that has worked very well for me since and no doubt will continue to be valuable for many years to come. That advice was from a (then) well-known actor. In an interview he was asked about stage fright and what he did to get over it. His (more…)

Your Online Health: Finding Reliable Sources

Our social media news feeds are designed to be a source of news, information, entertainment and other thoughts and ideas.

Many people share website links or infographics on a variety of topics on their personal social media pages to inform others and engage in conversation.

Add to the mix of content, the speed and the high volume of online shares, our news feeds can be overwhelming and confusing at times.

When online resources are shared, this can add even more challenges. It’s not always easy to tell what links and news sources are reliable and sound.

Here’s a simple guide that can help you feel more comfortable in determining reliable information sources. 

Let’s get started. 

Here are some things to consider and questions to ask yourself when looking at information online.

  1. In a website URL, how the website ends can give you clues where the information is coming from. Educational resources end in .edu. Websites with some sort of commercial association end in .com. Government-affiliated websites end in .gov. Advocacy or non-profit organizations end in .org.
  2. How does the website look and feel? Does it look professional to you?
  3. Is there an About Us page, or a way to contact the author or organization if you have questions or concerns about the information they are sharing?
  4. Are there links to other sources on the page, and are they trustworthy?
  5. Can the information you found be verified elsewhere?
  6. Does the website have a lot of advertisements or sponsored content? This can give clues that the information may be influenced.
  7. Is the information up-to-date and current?
  8. Is it information written by a trustworthy author or organization?

Now you have some tools to think about what a reliable source looks like!

The next thing to consider: to share or not to share? 

Find the answer to that question below. 

Happy Talk!

“Happy talk, keep talking happy talk. Talk about things you’d like to do.” This line from the Rogers & Hammerstein musical “South Pacific” always made me smile. Not so much the boy-girl thing, but definitely the positive outlook that “happy talk” about things I wanted to do (dreams) could make life unfold the way I (more…)