Who: Diane Rasch, real-life superhero. What: Discovering empowerment, new dreams and hope after brain injury. When: Since 2013. Where: The Brain Energy Support Team (BEST). How: Diane began her superhero journey of empowerment in 2013 through BEST peer support groups and educational and social programs. Along the way, Diane discovered new passions, dreams and goals (more…)
Here’s what some of our BEST Superheroes have been up to! The Tacoma Brain Injury Support Group indulged in some fall seasonal and festive fun back in October! The Edmonds Brain Injury Support Group got to lend a helping hand to BEST Gratitude Specialist and popular local paper artist, Diane Rasch, in creating custom designed (more…)
Superhero Sunday: Meet one of our BEST superheroes and BEST friends, paper artist and BEST Gratitude Specialist, Diane Rasch. Diane is the founder of Heartfelt Tidbits of Creativity, a custom designed card company. Her mission? To touch the lives of others, especially those who share Diane’s challenges as a result of a brain injury. Her (more…)
On Thursday night, the Puyallup TBI Support Group gathered together to create birthday wishes for some fellow superheroes. This activity was lead by BEST Gratitude Specialist, paper artist and owner of Heartfelt Tidbits of Creativity, Diane Rasch.  Rasch developed the BEST Birthday Card Project, a project that honors and celebrates survivors in the BEST support (more…)
There’s really no better way to share our BEST love than with a picture of the “heart-inspired” greeting cards of one of our BEST friends, Heartfelt Tidbits of Creativity.  Paper artist, BESTie and BEST Gratitude Specialist, Diane Rasch, is the woman behind this growing creative business. Diane started Heartfelt Tidbits of Creativity in order to share her (more…)