Adventures of a BEST Superhero: A mask is a superpower! Read about it below (and check out the superhero rule). For more info on COVID-19 and keeping yourself and our community safe, click here. BEST loves sharing … Facebook0TwitterPinterest0tumblr0Linkedin0Reddit0Email0
💚The more we know, the more we grow. The COVID-19 virus continues to spread throughout communities across Washington State. All of us at BEST understand how devastating and challenging all of this is, especially for many in our brain injury community. We know because we, like you, are part of this incredible community. Together, lets (more…)
Today is World Brain Day! Created in 2014, the first brain day was launched on July 22nd of that year. The annual event was designed to help promote awareness on brain health and wellness on a global scale. At the Brain Energy Support Team (BEST), we believe that our BEST strategy for brain health and (more…)
Everyone knows what condition comes with symptoms like increasing frailty, loss of mobility, cognitive decline, vision and hearing loss, deteriorating muscle and bone strength. They are all common symptoms of aging. However, they can also appear as symptoms of moderate to severe traumatic brain injury (TBI), especially in older people. TBI can not only resemble aging, (more…)
I love haiku and though the form doesn’t have the same nuance or depth in English as it does in Japanese, I still strive to write the “perfect” haiku. It’s not that I expect to ever be a great poet. It’s that the energy I put into creating a haiku is so different from the (more…)
Last week our #MindfulMonday piece focused on listening. This week we’re sharing exercises to help you listen to yourself. Give them a try and let us know in the comments what worked for you. Listening Exercise #1 Your body will tell you what it needs to be healthy so long as you listen to its (more…)