Monday Motivation: September 13, 2021

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Love Your Brain: All About Brain Health

From time to time I’ve written about aspects of healthy living, like heart health, stroke prevention and self-care.  All were with traumatic brain (TBI)  injury survivors in mind.  However, it occurred to me: why not write about just about maintaining a healthy brain? I’m not too swift sometimes, but it just kind of dawned on (more…)

Handwashing 101

Handwashing is an important tool for staying healthy and safe this fall. The most effective way to wash your hands is noted in the infographic. For more health tips and info, click here.  BEST loves sharing … Facebook0TwitterPinterest0tumblr0Linkedin0Reddit0Email0

BEST Food Library

On the BEST blog, we’ve been fortunate to have some amazing food and nutrition experts, along with some access to other great resources, to help us serve up healthy food ideas, simple food preparation tips and organization, and other delicious inspirations to keep our brain and bodies healthy and energized.  Following, are some links to (more…)