Self-care can seem daunting. How often have we thought, I don’t have enough time? Or we think we have too much to do to take time out for ourselves. Sometimes it can even feel selfish to close the door and leave the world outside so we can be alone, even for a short time. In (more…)
The Brain Energy Support Team (BEST) is honored to be joining our BEST friends, Collided Scopes, TONIGHT on Zoom at 5;30 PM PST to have conversations, share resources and more! Join us! It’s free and all are welcome. See the details in the flyer below. P.S. New to Zoom? Take our FREE Zoom class today (more…)
Meditation is heralded by many as being a cure all – a panacea that can prevent all of your woes and help you to find peace and enlightenment. Though not entirely true, they’re not wrong. Compared with many other strategies, meditation is certainly one of the most effective when it comes to overcoming anxiety (more…)