BEST’s own Gloria Kraegel serves up this fall seasonal food staple for stuffed acorn squash. Recipe below! BEST loves sharing … Facebook0TwitterPinterest0tumblr0Linkedin0Reddit0Email0
Click here to check out our latest e-newsletter! Features: a special message from Executive Director, Gloria Kraegel, coloring and brain health, and COVID updates you can use. Enjoy! P.S. Haven’t subscribed to BEST Updates yet? Click here for an easy and fast sign up! BEST loves sharing … Facebook0TwitterPinterest0tumblr0Linkedin0Reddit0Email0
We’ve gotten wonderful feedback on our Monday Mindful series. I’m excited that during this difficult time we’ve been able to continue supporting our community with the information, ideas, and encouragement we all want. Today we’re sharing three simple steps for becoming mindful and focused on the present moment by using all five senses. Our exercise (more…)
How often do we try different systems to manage tasks, track appointments, or just write down a note or two? And how many times have we discovered that one is more complicated than the last one we tried? Then there’s the agonizing effort we are too often unsuccessful with at making it a habit. Don’t (more…)
I love haiku and though the form doesn’t have the same nuance or depth in English as it does in Japanese, I still strive to write the “perfect” haiku. It’s not that I expect to ever be a great poet. It’s that the energy I put into creating a haiku is so different from the (more…)
Running out of mental energy always seems to happen at the worst time; in the middle of a meeting, while trying to get that last “thing” done before the end of the day, in the middle of a family gathering. You’ve probably even had the experience where your neurologist told you to “pace yourself” or (more…)