Giving Tuesday 2018: Building Superheroes like Robin

Robin Spicuzza had these roles in life: an energetic and loving mom, businesswomen, investor, web expert, and volunteer. A car accident in 2011 changed those roles significantly. Robin sustained a traumatic brain injury (TBI); worse, it wasn’t diagnosed right away. Faced with the challenges that came with an undiagnosed TBI, she struggled to find support, (more…)

Superhero Tuesday: You are Someone, You mean Something

You only have your thoughts and dreams ahead of you. You are someone. You mean something. Batman 🦇 Yes, really. Batman was onto something! It took real-life superhero, Robin Spicuzza,  some time after her traumatic brain injury (TBI) to regain her superpowers of meaning and being; with help from fellow BEST Superheroes and super-powered tools, she (more…)

Superhero Tuesday: We Give Life Purpose

Help us give the tool of purpose to our real-life superheroes, today and every day on Tuesday, November 27, 2018. Click here to find out how. It’s fast, easy and SUPER.   BEST loves sharing … Facebook0TwitterPinterest0tumblr0Linkedin0Reddit0Email0

In Words and Pictures: How to Build a Superhero

Want to learn how to build a real-life superhero? Watch our short video below and you’ll see just how to do it! Now, are you ready to start building? Awesome! Join us Tuesday, November 27, 2018 for Giving Tuesday, the international day of giving back, and help us build superheroes! We could use your special superpowers, (more…)

Giving Tuesday 2018: Building Superheroes!

  Grab your capes, BEST Superheroes! We’ve got a building project just for you!  On Tuesday, November 27, 2018, the Brain Energy Support Team (BEST) will be participating in Giving Tuesday, the international day of giving back to organizations that make a difference.  On this special day of sharing, caring and giving, BEST will be (more…)