Giving Tuesday 2016: Putting the Power in Empowerment

A brain injury is powerful. Brain injuries dramatically impact both an individual and their family. Whether it’s for the short term or for a lifetime, a brain injury changes our lives in both visible and invisible ways. Signs often include emotional, behavioral, physical, cognitive and social dysfunction. Even those who get the best medical care (more…)

Thanksgiving Surprise: BEST Book Giveaway November 22, 2016

We are so thankful for our BEST friend, author, blogger and speaker, Jeff Sebell. 

Jeff has served as an inspiration, beacon of hope and steady support for the brain injury community (and beyond) for many years. He penned the highly acclaimed and groundbreaking book, Learning to Live with Yourself after Brain Injury, which was released in August of 2014.  

Simply put, Jeff Sebell gets it. 


That’s why we are so delighted to announce that in honor of Giving Tuesday coming up on November 29, 2016 and for the Thanksgiving season, we are doing a special book giveaway on the BEST Facebook page beginning at 10 a.m. on November 22, 2016. An extra surprise: we are giving away, not one, but TWO books (one for keeping, one for giving)!

Starting at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, November 22, 2016, stop by the BEST Facebook page  and you can enter to win both books. The winner will be selected by random drawing at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, November 23, 2016. The winner will be announced in a post right after the drawing.

Entering is easy. Simply like the post and you are entered to win! Read more about giveaway guidelines and rules below.

Stay Tuned: Superhero Powers Activate in November

Calling all BEST Superheroes! Your BEST superhero powers are needed for a very important mission November 29, 2016. Should you accept this assignment, your efforts will reach many. Stay tuned for details.   BEST loves sharing … Facebook0TwitterPinterest0tumblr0Linkedin0Reddit0Email0