We are kicking off the countdown to Giving Tuesday (#GivingTuesday), the international day of giving back to causes that make a difference in the lives of others, with a little giving back of our own, superhero-style! Beginning November 20, 2017 at 10 a.m. PST, BEST will be giving away a superhero bounty of gifts to celebrate empowerment (more…)
Check out our portraits of a few of our BEST real-life superheroes, all decked out in their superhero gear, getting ready to deliver empowerment and support to the brain injury community and their families on Giving Tuesday, November 28, 2017! Support superheroes like these, and so many more with your membership. It’s fast, easy, safe, (more…)
Contact: Kim Thompson Brain Energy Support Team (BEST) 877-719-2378 extension 106 kimt@brainenergysupportteam.org The Brain Energy Support Team (BEST) Joins the Global #GivingTuesday Movement, pledges to empower and support the brain injury community and their families of Washington State and beyond. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE University Place, WA November 15, 2017 – The Brain Energy Support Team (more…)
Who: Diane Rasch, real-life superhero. What: Discovering empowerment, new dreams and hope after brain injury. When: Since 2013. Where: The Brain Energy Support Team (BEST). How: Diane began her superhero journey of empowerment in 2013 through BEST peer support groups and educational and social programs. Along the way, Diane discovered new passions, dreams and goals (more…)
We are kicking off the countdown to Giving Tuesday (#GivingTuesday), the international day of giving back to causes that make a difference in the lives of others, with a little giving back of our own, superhero-style! Beginning November 20, 2017 at 10 a.m. PST, BEST will be giving away a superhero bounty of gifts to celebrate empowerment (more…)
BEST friends, fans and supporters! Giving Tuesday (#GivingTuesday), the international day of giving to causes that make a difference, is right around the corner! The team at the Giving Tuesday organization have a contest that has just kicked off to help you share your special giving stories. Here’s the message directly from Giving Tuesday organizers: (more…)