Who: Diane Rasch, real-life superhero. What: Discovering empowerment, new dreams and hope after brain injury. When: Since 2013. Where: The Brain Energy Support Team (BEST). How: Diane began her superhero journey of empowerment in 2013 through BEST peer support groups and educational and social programs. Along the way, Diane discovered new passions, dreams and goals (more…)
It’s almost time to celebrate! Tomorrow, November 28, 2017, superheroes from all over the world will team up on Giving Tuesday (#GivingTuesday), the international day of giving, to help support and empower superheroes of the brain injury community to soar to new heights! Never fear, the superheroes are near! Click here to learn how to (more…)
It’s that time of year again when our superheroes visit family and friends in our holiday best and show off our super powers. It’s a special time of sharing food, love, and gifts together. Did you know that $80 Billion dollars was spent online for holiday gifts in 2016? Most of those gifts went unused, (more…)
On this special day of giving thanks, here at BEST we give thanks for all of our BEST superheroes and their families, our super volunteers, our amazing community partners and our generous donors. Thank you for all you do to support and empower the brain injury community. Here’a a bounty of our BEST wishes, love (more…)
Giving Tuesday (#GivingTuesday) is just around the corner! Join BEST for this special Superhero Giving Day and be a part of our membership drive. Your one-time membership fee supports and empowers the superheroes of the brain injury community and their families. Rather donate? That’s SUPER! The choice is all yours, superhero supporters. However you wish to participate, (more…)