A simple drawing of a cute pair of animal friends, a cat and a bear. The bear is patting the cat on the back and both are happy. Text reads: One-of-the-most-beautiful-qualities-of-true-friendship-is-to-understand-and-to-be-understood.

The Beauty of Friendship Defined

“One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood.”  We can’t say enough YES to this beautiful definition of friendship. BEST loves sharing … Facebook0TwitterPinterest0tumblr0Linkedin0Reddit0Email0

Happy Valentines Day BEST Friends!

Thank you BEST friends for making our souls blossom! 🌸 Happy Hearts Day! 💗 BEST loves sharing … Facebook0TwitterPinterest0tumblr0Linkedin0Reddit0Email0

Sunrise over mountains

My Friend Gary: A Portrait of Love and Friendship

(Editor’s note: Isaac Peterson wrote this personal essay April 25, 2019. It’s a beautiful and powerful tribute to his friend, Gary. Isaac has updated the article with some news and additional thoughts about his beloved friend. Read on. Thank you, Isaac for sharing Gary with us. KT).    Let me tell you about my special (more…)

After TBI: Advice for Family, Friends and Caregivers

Editor’s note: Writer and stroke survivor, Isaac Peterson, offers some straightforward and valuable advice for family members, friends and caregivers of brain injury survivors. Thank you, Isaac for your wisdom and words. KT)

Before I received the gift of a traumatic brain injury (TBI), I really didn’t know what one was. Sure, I was familiar with the term, but after my stroke,  I was surprised to learn that I had one. The constant dizziness, lack of balance, fatigue, the weakness in my limbs, alternating bouts of insomnia and super drowsiness, and other things; what was that about?

Since it looked like my life had turned upside down and sideways, I figured I’d better learn what had really happened and what I was in for in the immediate future.

After that it took me a while to realize that the people around me were still where I had been before my TBI and didn’t really understand what a TBI is and what it does to survivors. I also came to understand that as well-meaning as they might be, they would never fully understand until they had my hands on experience.

Family, friends, caregivers: where could they get the knowledge and understanding to help a TBI survivor cope with their new reality, and learn to cope themselves?

I desperately wanted the people in my life to know and understand what was going on with me.

I’ve seen websites that offer advice, but most seem to come down to this: be patient. The sites I’d seen didn’t offer much in the way of explaining what others need to know that will actually help others be patient. Patience is good; I know we can be a real handful at times. It must be pretty hard sometimes not to feel angry or frustrated.

Now it’s my turn to try to explain it.

BEST Guest Blogger Isaac Peterson: Find Your Nancy

I’ve written a couple of times about things that have aided my recovery from my stroke–a traumatic brain injury. Let me tell you about one more factor that has been very important and crucial; my dear friend, Nancy. I knew Nancy in college in Wyoming. We were very close friends in those times a few (more…)