BEST has created a virtual presence for reaching out to those with brain injury and their caregivers. BEST hosts a variety of social events, small group discussions, workshops, and skills training. Our goal in Second Life is to support those with brain injury engage in alternative and meaningful learning and PEER support. Our office can (more…)
Did you know that the Brain Energy Support Team (BEST) exists in not one, but two worlds? 🌍🌅 That’s right! BEST has a dedicated presence in the virtual world of Second Life. We have created a virtual presence for reaching out to those with brain injury and their caregivers. BEST hosts a variety of social (more…)
Join Namaara MacMoragh (Gloria Kraegel) at the PEER Center on Etopia in Second Life on Friday, September 21,2018 at 1 pm PST as she discusses returning to work after brain injury. To learn more about the PEER Center and BEST in Second Life, click here. To join BEST in Second Life today, click here. All (more…)
At the Brain Energy Support Team (BEST), we strive not only to be superheroes for the brain injury community, but superheroes to the earth, too. Earth Day is an annual event celebrated in April throughout the world to bring awareness, advocacy and action for environmental protection. At BEST, Earth Day is every day, from creating (more…)
The Brain Energy Support Team (BEST) is thrilled to announce our continued expansion of support and education through online and virtual platforms. This fall, BEST will be launching additional online educational opportunities through the BEST Online Learning Center and in the Second Life virtual world platform. Further, in an exciting recent development, BEST Executive Director, (more…)
Most people’s lives are more satisfying when they have a clear picture of what they want for themselves. When people develop a mental image of how to achieve their goals, their sense of hope is strengthened. We use a process that helps individuals create a mental map that illustrates what is likely to be helpful (more…)