Be the change you wish to see in the world. In a world full of change, especially as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Brain Energy Support Team (BEST), took the quote above to heart. In 2020, BEST was rocked by the pandemic, like many other organizations. BEST in-person programs were closed, and a (more…)
The upcoming 15th annual Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education Conference focuses on the use of immersive virtual environments for educational purposes including virtual and augmented reality.  The Brain Energy Support Team’s (BEST’s) own Gloria Kraegel/Namaara MacMoragh will be sharing BEST’s story on transforming in person programs and services to virtual platforms as the (more…)
The Brain Energy Support Team (BEST) is pleased to announce a special new feature in our virtual platform. The virtual COVID Vaccination Clinic is now open and welcomes you. The purpose of the COVID Vaccination Clinic at Etopia in Second Life is to provide information and tools related to the COVIC-19 pandemic. Here’s a peek (more…)
The Brain Energy Support Team (BEST) is excited to share two new online opportunities for our community. The Wallingford Brain Injury Support Group, a program of the Imaginal Network, in partnership with the Brain Energy Support Team, are offering an 8-week online yoga class for people living with brain injury. The dates are Mondays from (more…)
Earth Day is an annual event, celebrated on April 22, to share support for environmental protection. Earth Day began exactly 50 years ago tomorrow, is now a worldwide movement which is celebrated in nearly 200 countries. At the Brain Energy Support Team (BEST), not only are we passionate about providing superhero support for each other, (more…)
Words. Pictures. Video. Virtual Platforms. BEST Online Resources are at the ready! Here’s your guide to getting started. Words: At the Brain Energy Support Team (BEST),  sharing our personal stories and journeys are important to us. Finding the words and putting those words to the keyboard or to paper, makes a difference, not only for us (more…)