BEST Virtual Programs Offer Transformation and Sustainability

The upcoming 15th annual Virtual Worlds Best Practices in Education Conference focuses on the use of immersive virtual environments for educational purposes including virtual and augmented reality.    The Brain Energy Support Team’s (BEST’s) own Gloria Kraegel/Namaara MacMoragh will be sharing BEST’s story on transforming in person programs and services to virtual platforms as the result (more…)

A human face shaped cloud amongst other clouds in the sky

Befriending Yourself and Your Experience

What is mindfulness?  Mindfulness is noticing what is happening right now. What are your senses and emotions telling you? What is your mind telling you?  At the Brain Energy Support Team (BEST) we see mindfulness in this way, too:  Mindfulness is a way of befriending ourselves and our experience (Jon Kabat Zinn).  Through the practice (more…)

BEST Second Life Covid-19 Vaccination Clinic Opens

The Brain Energy Support Team (BEST) is pleased to announce a special new feature in our virtual platform. The virtual COVID Vaccination Clinic is now open and welcomes you. The purpose of the COVID Vaccination Clinic at Etopia in Second Life is to provide information and tools related to the COVIC-19 pandemic. Here’s a peek (more…)

BEST Superhero of the Month August 2020

Our BEST Superhero of the Month for August 2020, is not only a superhero in one world, but in two worlds!  This superhero is devoted and passionate about brain health and wellness and helping others in the real world and in the virtual world of Second Life.  Meet Lynne Berrett (and her alter-superhero-ego, Wisdomseeker, in (more…)

Thankful Thursday: Our BEST Friends in Second Life

The Brain Energy Support Team (BEST) has created a virtual presence for reaching out to those with brain injury and their caregivers and those interested in brain health and wellness.  BEST hosts a variety of social events, small group discussions, workshops, and skills training. Our goal in Second Life is to support everyone to engage (more…)