My particular brain trauma was a stroke and I am constantly surprised at what I hear (and read) from some stroke survivors. I am a member of various Facebook groups, internet forums and so on. There appears to be quite a few of us out there who haven’t really taken responsibility for the situation they (more…)
One of the questions I’m asked sometimes when I meet someone new is, “What kind of therapy are you in?” or a statement about how whichever therapy I’m undergoing seems to be working really well. The truth is that I’m not in any kind of ongoing therapy. Or more accurately, I’m not officially in any (more…)
We’ve got some months of 2018 behind us now. How’s it been going for you so far? Did you make New Year’s resolutions for yourself? Did they work out for you? Are you still working on the improvements you set for yourself? I assume you resolved to make yourself better in some way, since it (more…)
A good long while ago, I met the most beautiful little girl in the world and became her dad. You heard about her before in my last essay. Her name is Nicole and she is the daughter of a good friend. In short order, Nicole and I bonded to the point where she was asking (more…)
So, what are we going to talk about this time? Or rather, what did I come up with to talk about this time? How about power? Let’s talk a little about that. When you hear the word power, what comes to mind? Nuclear, hydroelectric, explosives, weapons? Those are all forms of what we consider power. (more…)