Stacks of caution signs with the word "anger" on them

Coping with Anger

One day you’re going about your day and  minding your own business. Next thing you know something happens, out of the blue, and suddenly you have a traumatic brain injury.  And suddenly, although you had always been calm and mild mannered, you have anger issues.  When I first got my stroke-related brain injury, I found (more…)

Three dandelions in the exposed seed stage

Coping with Change

“Our dilemma is that we hate change and love it at the same time; what we really want is for things to remain the same but get better.” The quote to the above really says it all, doesn’t it? We hate and love change at the same time, but in a perfect world many things would stay the same, but (more…)

A photo blend: half a tree and ground in the winter, spliced with another half of the same tree and ground but it spring

On Change

The quote to the above really says it all, doesn’t it? We hate and love change at the same time, but in a perfect world many things would stay the same, but just get better.  For better or worse (or somewhere in between), we know the world just doesn’t work in this way. Change is (more…)