Words: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” ― Margaret Mead A domed tree with three butterflies flying around it.

We Don’t Have the Answer (Yet!), But You Just Might

We’ll cut to the chase: funding for educational and support programs and services for disabled adults has not been easy to come by, despite great effort. Our nonprofit has been financially impacted since the onset of the pandemic, but we made it work by being agile and quickly adapting to COVID-19, while serving our beloved (more…)

a graphic creation of an open book with two trees bursting from it. The trees branches and leaves are heart-shaped.

Our Story: You are an Important and Beloved Part

Thank you, BEST Community for your support, caring, generosity and kindness. You are all an important and beloved part of our story, today and every day! 💚📚     BEST loves sharing … Facebook0TwitterPinterest0tumblr0Linkedin0Reddit0Email0

To Our BEST Supporters

To the BEST Supporters: Thank you for supporting brain empowerment for all. You are making a difference in helping individuals and communities grow and thrive! We are grateful for you! 🌿👐🌼   New to BEST? Interested in being a supporter? Here are 2 easy ways to help: 1. Become a member. 2. Donate and/or shop. (more…)

A branch of cherry blossoms

Flowers for All!

Spring flowers are the BEST!   We are putting together a virtual spring bouquet collage for our online BEST community. 🌷   Share a picture of spring flowers in your area and we’ll add it to the collage! Just email Kim T. at kimt@brainenergysupportteam.org with your photo.    Thank you and happy spring! 💐   (more…)

Flowers and Vines

The BEST Story 2021: Love Knows BEST

We’ve known best. As a community of individuals, caregivers, and families navigating brain injury and other cognitive challenges, we know what we need. The best overall health and wellness possible. The ability to share our stories and be heard. The opportunity to grow and learn new things. The chance to connect, support, and help each (more…)