Valuable Relationships: Doctors and Caregivers

In the last year and a half, I’ve discovered a couple of valuable relationships I’d been missing out on before my traumatic brain injury (TBI): a primary care doctor and a caregiver. I never had those relationships because I did the most boneheaded thing I’ve ever done:  I didn’t see a doctor for years. If (more…)

Five Years of Learning

May 28th was the five year anniversary of my cerebellar stroke, my brain injury. Time for some reflection. So, what have I learnt in the past five years? I’ve learnt a massive amount about the brain and brain injuries. I knew absolutely nothing before, so this wasn’t too difficult to achieve! I’ve learnt that a (more…)

The Real Definition of Fatigue

Fatigue is defined as: Extreme tiredness, typically resulting from mental or physical exertion or illness. Fatigue can take on additional layers of impact for brain injury survivors and caregivers. Brain injury survivors: “Neuro-fatigue” is one of the most common and constant issues that brain injury survivors face. Neuro-fatigue is defined as a profound lack of (more…)