Brain Injury and Gender

We’ve all heard the phrase, no two traumatic brain injuries are alike. 

Those of us with brain injuries have, anyway. 

It gets said all the time; I’ve said it myself. No two brains are injured in the same way, and no two brain injuries have identical effects.

But one of the biggest differences is that it also seems females have different brain injury-related life experiences than males. 

A lot is known about traumatic brain injury (TBI) because of ongoing health research, but only half the story is being told: there are huge differences in the ways females experience brain injuries compared to males. 

On the surface, the differences seem to break down primarily according to physiological and biochemical differences, possible genetic differences, and traditional gender roles in our society. 

Love Your Brain: All About Brain Health

From time to time I’ve written about aspects of healthy living, like heart health, stroke prevention and self-care.  All were with traumatic brain (TBI)  injury survivors in mind.  However, it occurred to me: why not write about just about maintaining a healthy brain? I’m not too swift sometimes, but it just kind of dawned on (more…)

Road to Recovery: Occupational Therapy

The latest stop on my road to recovery: occupational therapy. I went in for a routine doctor visit a few weeks ago. The doctor said there was only one thing he was concerned about–my short term memory. Sure, I have some issues with it, like forgetting to put the lid on the popcorn popper, but (more…)

(NEW): The Calm Mind Video Course Launches Today

Meditation helps you to rise above stress and worry, thereby finding peace in every day.  The Brain Energy Support Team (BEST) is excited to introduce The Calm Mind Video Course. In this online course, you’ll learn what meditation is and some simple techniques you can use. From breathing techniques to how to sleep more soundly, (more…)

BEST Food Tips

On the BEST blog, we’ve been fortunate to have some amazing food and nutrition experts, along with some access to other great resources, to help us serve up healthy food ideas, simple food preparation tips and organization, and other delicious inspirations to keep our brain and bodies healthy and energized.  Following, are some links to (more…)

Foreign Accent Syndrome

(Editor’s Note: Do you know what Foreign Accent Syndrome is? Writer, longtime BEST blog contributor, and stroke survivor, Isaac Peterson, does a deep dive into this unusual and rare condition. KT)  By now you know the common difficulties caused by traumatic brain injury (TBI), especially if you yourself have a TBI. I don’t need to (more…)