Well, I managed to stumble my way through the holidays and I lived to tell about it (not that you would want to hear about it). Now, here in this space, I am hoping to stumble onto something interesting to write about. Since I started my anti-seizure medication last month, my mind seems to be (more…)
Pretty much every day, it seems someone is telling me how remarkable or phenomenal my progress since my stroke is. And it seems every time I start feeling good about my progress, something happens that sets me back a step or two. The latest thing was a seizure, just to remind me that even a (more…)
Editor’s note: Following is  one of the first articles that BEST guest blogger, Isaac Peterson wrote about his stroke. In this special reprint of that article written in April 2017, Peterson has included a recent update on his condition. Read on to learn more. Do you know what an AVM is? Before my stroke I (more…)
Do you know what an AVM is? Before my stroke I had never heard of them but my stroke happened because of one. AVM stands for arteriovenous malformation, an anomalous tangle of veins and arteries in my brain. I’m told my undiagnosed high blood pressure caused it to bleed and triggered my stroke. I (more…)