Thank You, Superheroes!

The “Superhero” show has taken flight! Thank you to the Tacoma Art Museum for their support, partnership and friendship; you are all SUPER!   Thank you to our superhero artists who shared their time and talents: Diane Rasch, Robin Spicuzza, Jennifer McCarthy, The Tacoma Brain Injury Support Group, Nancy Sonduck, Cindy Ose, Erin Thompson, Justin (more…)

Community Love and Gratitude

We love and appreciate the BEST community each and every day! Thank you to our amazing BESTies and their families, volunteers, community partners, online communities and generous donors. You are all the BEST!  BEST loves sharing … Facebook0TwitterPinterest0tumblr0Linkedin0Reddit0Email0

Thankfulness Online Art Collage November 2019

BESTies from near and far, shared what they feel thankful for.  The result? A thankfulness online art collage to share with others!  We’d like send you all our gratitude, love, care and BEST wishes for this Thanksgiving season.  BEST loves sharing … Facebook0TwitterPinterest0tumblr0Linkedin0Reddit0Email0

Sending our thoughts and BEST wishes on Veterans Day

BEST Artist and volunteer, Justin Thompson, contributed a special piece of art to the BEST community art installation, Superhero, at the Tacoma Art Museum (TAM).  His untitled work of acrylics on canvas shown below, was intended to to symbolize and honor brain injury survivors who are veterans, along with their families.  Thank you, Justin, for (more…)

Our Hearts are Happy!

If a thankful heart is a happy heart, then our hearts are the happiest EVER!  We give happy thanks to our beloved BESTies and their families, volunteers, community partners, our generous donors, and online and BEST Space communities. You make the difference, you are the difference.  BEST loves sharing … Facebook0TwitterPinterest0tumblr0Linkedin0Reddit0Email0

Thank You, Social Media BEST Friends!

Spring flowers for you, and you, and you, and you! 🌷 Spring flowers for everyone!  Why are we so excited and giving out cyber spring bouquets galore? We want to warmly welcome our newest social media and e-newsletter subscribers to the Brain Energy Support Team (BEST). Thank you so much for joining our BEST family (more…)