BEST Superhero of the Month August 2020

Our BEST Superhero of the Month for August 2020, is not only a superhero in one world, but in two worlds!  This superhero is devoted and passionate about brain health and wellness and helping others in the real world and in the virtual world of Second Life.  Meet Lynne Berrett (and her alter-superhero-ego, Wisdomseeker, in (more…)

Thankful Thursday: Our BEST Friends in Second Life

The Brain Energy Support Team (BEST) has created a virtual presence for reaching out to those with brain injury and their caregivers and those interested in brain health and wellness.  BEST hosts a variety of social events, small group discussions, workshops, and skills training. Our goal in Second Life is to support everyone to engage (more…)

TBI and Work

(Editor’s note: Writer, BEST guest blog contributor, and brain injury survivor, Isaac Peterson, shares what he’s learned about returning to work after a traumatic brain injury. Thank you, Isaac for the valuable information. KT) Of all the things I’ve managed to accomplish since my traumatic brain injury (TBI), going back to work isn’t one of them. My doctor (more…)

#TipTuesday: BEST Self-Care

Today for #TipTuesday, we’re sharing an image gallery of self-care tips and ideas from the BEST Team and some of our BEST friends.  Enjoy!    BEST loves sharing … Facebook0TwitterPinterest0tumblr0Linkedin0Reddit0Email0

On Friendship

BEST friends 🧡: Thanks for all of your “you, too?” moments, paired with your shared support, understanding, and care. Our friendship makes THE difference today and every day.     BEST loves sharing … Facebook0TwitterPinterest0tumblr0Linkedin0Reddit0Email0