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Click here to check out our latest e-newsletter! Features: a special message from Executive Director, Gloria Kraegel, coloring and brain health, and COVID updates you can use. Enjoy! P.S. Haven’t subscribed to BEST Updates yet? Click here for an easy and fast sign up! BEST loves sharing … Facebook0TwitterPinterest0tumblr0Linkedin0Reddit0Email0
On the BEST blog, we’ve been fortunate to have some amazing food and nutrition experts, along with some access to other great resources, to help us serve up healthy food ideas, simple food preparation tips and organization, and other delicious inspirations to keep our brain and bodies healthy and energized. Following, are some links to (more…)
We love our community. It’s because of our community spirit, that we thrive and journey together to live our healthiest lives possible. We know what problems need to be solved. In other words, we know best. The illustration below tells our story. Old friends, thank you for your friendship, support, and care. New friends, welcome! (more…)