A very simple drawing of one rose attached to a stem with two leaves. Text reads: Grief doesn't make you imperfect it makes you human

More on Grief

Most people have likely heard, at one time or other, of Elizabeth Kubler-Ross’ five stages of grief: Denial Anger Bargaining Depression Acceptance That’s all well and good, but those stages don’t deal with varying types of grief. Types of grief? I had only thought grief was just grief, but it turns out there are categories (more…)

A post it note on a wooden table that reads self care action plan

A Self-Care Update

I just got home from seeing my primary doctor. It was just a routine exam that would let me know how well my self-care program has—or hasn’t– been working out. Turned out the hardest part, as usual, was sitting waiting for my turn. But my overall exam results were good. Here is the outcome:  Heart: (more…)

A simple drawing of a side profile of a human head with photographs of alarm clocks housed inside

More on Sleep: Daylight Savings Time Edition

I just ran across some new information about sleep. Actually it’s more about how Daylight Savings Time (DST) can affect sleep. I’m not going to get into the history of DST or its purpose. Everybody knows what it is—those two really annoying days each year where we set the clocks ahead or back by an (more…)

A simple modern drawing of a group of people

Interpersonal Communication 101

Everybody thinks they can communicate since they know the language, but that’s not necessarily the case. Communication is more than just talking; it’s also about being understood and understanding another person. Good communication skills are important for every human on the planet, but it’s crucial for both sides in a caregiving/receiving situation. I believe one (more…)


Before we get started talking about kindness, maybe we should agree on exactly what kindness is. One definition of kindness I found online defines kindness as this: The quality of being friendly, generous and considerate—doing voluntary, intentional acts that benefit another. Let’s go with that definition, while I write about the actual meaning of kindness (more…)

On Feeling Grief

After almost six years living with a brain injury from a massive stroke, I’m kind of what you might call a pro. And after all the writing and research I’ve done for the past five years, you’d think I’d have a pretty good handle on what brain injury is all about. You might think I’ve (more…)